Sriman Narayanan
Lord Narayana is our first Guru. Hence at the head of our line of Gurus is Lord Narayan
Sriman Narayan taught the Vedas to Brahma and Pancharatna Sastras to Sri Lakshmi and others. He took various Avatars himself like Fish, Tortoise, and Boar etc to preserve the Vedas and save his devotees. He also took the role of Guru-Sishya (Teacher-Student) as Nara, Narayana at BadriKashramam to present role models of an Acharya and Sishya.
(Anbil Ramaswamy)
savyam paadam prasaarya sritha: durithaharam daksiNam kunjayithvaa
jaanoon aadaaya savyEtaram ithara bujam naaga bhOgE nidhaaya /
paschaath baahu dvayEna prathibhaTa samanE dhaarayan sanka chakrE
dEvee bhooshaadhi jushTO janayathu jagathaam sarma VaikunTa naatha: //
Sitting on Adhisesha, He has His left foot (savyam paadam) dangling
(prasaarya) from the left knee down. The right foot that is slightly bent
(kunjayitvaa) and resting on Adhisesha quickly removes *sritha duritha
haram) the obstacles of Prapannas. He rests left hand on His right knee
(jaanun aadhaaya savyE). His other hand is resting on Adhisesha (Ithara
bujam naaga bhOgE nidhaaya). He dons the Conch and the powerful disc on the
upper two hands for demolishing the evil forces (PrathibaTa samanE. This
Lord of Paramapada rejoices with His Devis on either side and in adorning
ornaments(dEvee booshaadhi jushTa:). Let Him protect the entire world
(janayathu Jagathaam).
"Ksheera ambhOnidhi Ratna manDapa Souvarna simhaasanE
VaamaangE sthithaayaam prasanna vadhanaam "Srikaanthyaa aalingitham"
DhOr danDaangita sanka pankaja gadhaa chakrair udhaara Sriyam
Tvam nityam kalayaami janma vimukhO lakshmeesa (cha) Narayanam"
I always meditate on you (tvam nityam kalayaami) ?Oh! Sriya: Pathi?
(Lakshmeesa). You sit on the mantapam in the shape of the golden lion throne
(souvarna simhaasanE) studded with gems from the milky ocean (ksheera
ambOdhi Ratna mantapa). Mahaalakshmi embraces you fondly with a pleasant
smile sitting on your left lap (vaamaangE sthithayaam prasanna vadanaam
Srikaanthyaa aalingitham). You wear the sharp staff (DhOr danDaangita),
conch (sanka), lotus (pankaja). Mace (gadhaa) and disc (chakrai:). Why am I
doing this? I shun this cycle of birth and death ( janma vimukhO)
Yath Prapattim vinaa sarvai: yasya maayaa durathyayaa /
Dhananjaya rathastham tath prapadhyE saranam mahah //
I surrender myself at the feet of the Lord who sits on the Chariot of
Arjuna. Without this surrender it will not be possible for anyone to
untangle and cross over the delusion imposed by Him?
KamapyAadhyam Gurum Vandhe KamalA Griha Medhinam
PravakthAs ChandasAm VakthA Pancha RAtrasya Yaha Swayam
Meaning: I salute the most ancient of Preceptors, who is consort of Kamala and
who propagated the Vedas in the beginning and who is himself the author of
PancharAtra SastrAs.
1 comment:
Very nice and helpful
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